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February 3rd 2013

Numbers and statistics

More than 25% houses have been sold since May 2010, and the houses archive has been growing until now, reaching 136 currently. This site has steadily continued to being visited, accepting "virtual visitors" coming from 123 States (of 194 Independent States in the whole World), visiting us for 59.525 times. The most clicking States are Italy (46.676 visits), Netherlands (5.465), USA (2.204), United Kingdom (847), Germany (663), France (375), Canada (339), Brazil (317), Switzerland (253), Belgium (236), Spain (169) and Argentina (130). The results are provided by Google Analytics service.

June 30th 2012

TG2 Dossier talks about us

The depopulation of the italian villages is the main subject of the June 30th special episode of TG2 Dossier. Going from the mountain villages of north Italy, now unhabited, to our little village where "A house in San Basile" brought great and unexpected results and the increase in population. The reportage extract is uploaded on YouTube at this link.

April 4th 2012

San Basile going to Bruxelles

The European Parliament invites the City of San Basile to join the group of 25 most virtuous cities of Calabria as model of good governance in South Italy. Most of the contributions goes to the project "A house in San Basile" and to the actions of the Municipal Administration. The web-zine Paese24.it, a online newsletter working in the north-eastern Calabria, talks about San Basile in the article available clicking here.


All the flash news published on this site.

February 3rd 2013

Numbers and statistics

More than 25% houses have been sold since May 2010, and the houses archive has been growing until now, reaching 136 currently. This site has steadily continued to being visited, accepting "virtual visitors" coming from 123 States (of 194 Independent States in the whole World), visiting us for 59.525 times. The most clicking States are Italy (46.676 visits), Netherlands (5.465), USA (2.204), United Kingdom (847), Germany (663), France (375), Canada (339), Brazil (317), Switzerland (253), Belgium (236), Spain (169) and Argentina (130). The results are provided by Google Analytics service.

June 30th 2012

TG2 Dossier talks about us

The depopulation of the italian villages is the main subject of the June 30th special episode of TG2 Dossier. Going from the mountain villages of north Italy, now unhabited, to our little village where "A house in San Basile" brought great and unexpected results and the increase in population. The reportage extract is uploaded on YouTube at this link.

April 4th 2012

San Basile going to Bruxelles

The European Parliament invites the City of San Basile to join the group of 25 most virtuous cities of Calabria as model of good governance in South Italy. Most of the contributions goes to the project "A house in San Basile" and to the actions of the Municipal Administration. The web-zine Paese24.it, a online newsletter working in the north-eastern Calabria, talks about San Basile in the article available clicking here.

November 12th 2011

Site updates

Added internal pictures for the house number 8 and for the house number 116

May 12th 2011

Numbers and statistics

The site's "virtual tourists" came from 111 States (of 194 Independent States in the whole World), visiting us for 41.270 times starting from a year ago, when this web site was born. The "most clicking States" are Italy (31.785 visits), Netherlands (4.884), USA (1.493), United Kingdom (521), Germany (301), France (225), Canada (219), Switzerland (179), Belgium (162), Brazil (138), Spain (106) ad Australia (101). The results are provided by Google Analytics service.

May 4th 2011

Site updates

Added internal pictures for the house number 72 (now up for sale) and for the house number 24.

May 4th 2011

Site updates

Added internal pictures for the house number 72 (now up for sale) and for the house number 24.

February 23rd 2011

"A House in San Basile" as guest on the italian tv-show Formato Famiglia

Little towns and their depopulation: this was the main topic at "Formato Famiglia", the italian tv-show of TV2000 channel in which took part one of the houses' purchasers. Click here and take a look.

December 30th 2010

Free Internet with wi-fi

The project that will allow citizens to join the Web free through the wireless technology had been presented yesterday in the Museum of Icons. The system has the use of a hotspot in the main square of San Basile and a wireless area which covers the most part of the livings. For any further information click here.

December 29th 2010

San Basile on Tele Cosenza television

The web television Tele Cosenza makes a tv reportage about the house selling project. The reportage contains an interview to the vicemajor Gaetano Marcovecchio and can be viewed on YouTube at the link youtube.com/watch?v=CE4j1jHjYAQ

November 7th 2010

San Basile goes to Netherlands

Interviews, shoots and deepenings about A house in San Basile and the reasons of its proposal, made by the Dutch television RTL, whose reportage - carried out at the end of the October - went on air on the national channels. Look at the reportage.

November 6th 2010

Numbers and statistics

The site's "virtual tourists" came from 91 States (of 194 Independent States in the whole World), visiting us for about 29.000 times from 2nd May 2010, the day in which this web site was born. The "most clicking States" are Italy (22.036 visits), Netherlands (3.769), USA (921), United Kingdom (374), Germany (228), France (228), Canada (152), Belgium (135), Switzerland (133, Australia (77) and Spain (76). The results are provided by Google Analytics service.

October 19th 2010

Talking about "A house in San Basile"

A meeting about the new tourism's frontiers and the raising of the little suburbs on saturday 23rd October 2010 at 17:30 in the Museum of Icons of San Basile. Above the others the Hon. Domenico Pappaterra, Prov. Ass. Pietro Lecce and the Hon. Carlo Guccione will take part. More details here.

August 2nd 2010

Summer 2010 in San Basile

The summer events in San Basile go from July 19th to August 25th. The whole calendar can be read by clicking here.

June 20th 2010

Quelli di Caterpillar

On saturday 26th June from 14:50 the italian tv show "Quelli di Caterpillar" (Raitre channel) will receive Major Vincenzo Tamburi who will talk about the project "A house in San Basile" during the show column "Primo tra i Primi". There will also be arranged a live webcam view showing the main square of San Basile.

May 25th 2010

San Basile on Telespazio TV

Tomorrow evening on www.2015tv.it and live on Telespazio TV, from 22 to 24 Major Vincenzo Tamburi will take part at the show "2015" led by Pietro Muscari. Major Tamburi will talk about the project "A house in San Basile" and other stuffs of the Local Council of San Basile.

May 19th 2010

The project on Calabria News TV

Tomorrow thursday May 20th on "Buongiorno Regione" (Raitre) at 7:30 am will be shown the tv service about "A house in San Basile".

May 18th 2010

Not only Facebook

The house in San Basile's success made us create an info page on Facebook, the famous social network: it will be a fast windows through which everybody will find any answer about the project. More info in short time.

May 2nd 2010

The web site is finally on-line

Today there will be the press conference to present the official web site and brochure for the project "A house in San Basile". The event will clash with the web site launch.

May 1st 2010

A house in San Basile on the local newspaper Calabria Ora today

After the radio advertisement on Radio Nord Castrovillari on 29th April, the initiative is now advertised by the local newspaper "Calabria Ora" with a feature of Luigi Brindisi.

April 11th 2010

The research on the houses has ended

The technical workgroup has completed the research activity (which lasted several months) with the collection of a huge photographic material that will be developed in the course of time with specific information about each house.